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Running a retail operation, as you know, is a tough job to do successfully. (The failure rate keeps reminding all of us of that fact.) And now, that job is even harder.
Maybe we're being overly dramatic, but it seems to us that there are two very dark clouds simultaneously coming our way. Consumer confidence is falling while announced tariffs will be raising costs.
We all have to wonder whether consumers are going to hold back discretionary spending even more;
And, at the same time, we must start guessing what impact tariffs might have on our merchandise.
We've not heard of any available consultants, pundits, or fortune tellers that have magic solutions. Alas.
What is called for? Your best judgment, as the owner. Never before has it been needed more immediately.
Periodically it’s more essential than normal for business owners to interrupt their routine and get a good look at their upcoming financial choices.
And this is one of those times!
Many very savvy people are quite concerned about the economy and consumer behavior right now.
High debt maturing in both the real estate and the public sectors.
The multiple international upheavals that continue to grow.
And, certainly, the impending changes at the Presidential and Congressional level in the U.S
These issues are joined by others to make NOW a very important time for business owners to look ahead financially…maybe weekly for a while.
Perhaps you saw that recent article* in The Wall Street Journal. As Ruth Simon reported, "The cost pressures squeezing small businesses – and their need to pass along those higher charges – help explain why inflation has been so stubborn."
Maybe you noticed this (see "Retailers Lay Out a Downbeat Outlook"*) but the big national retail chains, despite better-than-expected quarterly earnings this week, still are looking at a year of low to no growth, citing reduced spending by lower income groups, the loss of covid relief money, the effects of inflation, etcetera.
But, here is the key observation, and an important reminder:
How to reconcile this doom-and-gloom from the big national retailers with our still-strong economy, which is 70% driven by consumer spending?
After months of doom-and-gloom headlines and hand-wringing about a recession in 2023, headlines last week (quietly) said this: "What Recession? Some Economists See Chances of a Growth Rebound." One economist, in fact, seemed a little chagrined to note "So far, the U.S. economy has proved unexpectedly resilient." *
Retailers must be mindful of all this as they make their business and buying decisions throughout the year. But the macro economy is simply interesting, but not significant. Your local economy is, of course, what really matters. In that context, every savvy owner uses these three steps.
Try as we might, it seems that there will be no avoiding a recession in 2023. How deep it is, and how prolonged, still remains to be seen. For retailers, it's not a matter of whether your business will be impacted, just how much. Alas, retail does not lend itself to being recession proof. However, there are ways to make your business more recession resistant. The place to start? First, find out what your Debt-to-Worth ratio is right now. That is the #1 measure of the financial strength of your business. It's a key indicator of your ability to weather an economic downturn.
That headline from Chain Store Age* brings smiles to retailers. Consumer confidence is a key indicator of retail sales, and this increasing confidence as we head into the holiday season is very welcome indeed.
But of course, there is no one-size-fits-all upside here.
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