Pressing concerns? 

New opportunity?

Time for professional help? 

Remote Advisory Services for Retailers

Co-Founders, The Retail Owners Institute®


• Telephone and/or web conferences

• Private and confidential

• Both Pat & Dick. Two professionals. Synergistic.

• Get objectivity. Perspective. "What if...?" financial analyses 

• Number and frequency of multiple sessions by mutual agreement 

Remote Advisory Serves ices for Retailers

If you've not already had your complimentary session, go here to take advantage.

Already done that? Want more in-depth time with Pat and Dick? Then this is a great answer for you. 

Ready to get started? 

Step #1. Read through the Statement of Understanding.

Step #2. Complete and submit the Registration form and payment agreement.

Each session is just $175. Or, take advantage of cost savings! 

Get bundle price savings now on multiple sessions. Use them on your schedule; they don't expire!

Choose 3 sessions, save $25. 

Or choose 5 sessions, save $75.

Then, watch your inbox for an email on how to SCHEDULE your first session


The Remote Advisory Services are provided via telephone and/or web conference by Patricia M. Johnson and Richard F. Outcalt, principals of Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC and Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®.

These sessions are confidential. Outcalt and Johnson respect your rights to privacy and confidentiality. They will not divulge any details of materials shared by you or the Remote Advisory Session discussions to any other parties without your permission.

Their services and recommendations are the result of their very best efforts. However, it is always your right and responsibility to make the final decisions which affect your business endeavors. 

Outcalt and Johnson undertake responsibility for good faith advice and feedback on the specific issues addressed, based upon the assumptions stated by you and the facts and information you supply. They make no guarantee of success and shall be held harmless and not be liable for any damages of any sort, in contract, tort, or otherwise. 


Step #2: Complete REGISTRATION Form

  • Yes! I want to work with Pat and Dick via phone or web conference

  • Statement of Understanding

  • Register Here

  • Provide Payment Information

  • And that's it!

    Press the REGISTER NOW button. 

     Then, watch your email inbox to SCHEDULE your session.

The Retail Owners Institute® has been empowering retailers since 1999 to "Turn on their financial headlights!"
Our tools and resources are trusted by thousands of store owners to help grow profitable, resilient businesses.