Make a Difference  •  Sponsor The ROI

An invaluable value-add for your retailers!

Sponsor of The ROI

Great for Trade Associations • Buying Groups • Chambers of Commerce • Suppliers • SBDCs • Other Organizations


Dependent on independent retailers?  You benefit when they get financially stronger!

Online since 1999, The ROI is the foremost self-help resource on the basics of retail finance and inventory control. Used and loved by hundreds of retailers every day!

The ROI empowers retailers worldwide to better control profits, inventory, cash flow, GMROI, Open-to-Buys, growth


Now! Sponsor unlimited Member Access to The ROI for "your retailers"

Your retailers gain unlimited access via your organization to the entirety of The Retail Owners Institute®, 24/7. 

Help them help themselves. And reap the benefits of financially-stronger retailers in your organization. 


What Do Sponsors Get?

High value. With essentially NO maintenance!

  • Potential additional revenue source
  • New and compelling value-added benefit;
  • Unique marketing tool to attract new retailers/dealers;
  • Recognition for your sponsorship, visible to your retailers on The ROI site;
  • Visibility for your organization and a link to your website on the appropriate Retail Benchmarks page on The ROI site.

Consistent Recognition for Your Sponsorship

Your logo and “Special Access Privileges” banner visible to only your retailers on all Members-Only pages they may visit throughout The ROI. They are reminded of your organization's Sponsorship every time they use The ROI's special resources and tools.

Sponsor's recognition

Low Maintenance Program for Your Organization

We make it easy to prompt usage. The ROI NEWS, essentially the "user's guide" to The ROI, can be emailed to your retailers each week to remind them of all the resources your organization is making available to them at The ROI. Or, you can select excerpts from it to include in your communications with your retailers. Totally up to you! go here to see the latest issue, and to sign up 

Visibility and Access to All on Your Segment's Benchmarks page

Your organization's logo and a link back to your website will be featured on your retail segment's Benchmarks page on The ROI site. 

This promotes your organization to retailers worldwide. Go here to find the Benchmarks page for your retail segment. 


How Does the Sponsor Program Work? 

As a Sponsor, your organization pays a monthly fee to The ROI, based on the number of retailers in your organization. (See fee schedule below; just pennies per day per retailer.) 

You are assigned a custom User Name and Password for your retailers to use to login to The ROI site. This allows them to enjoy unlimited Member-Access privileges, on their schedule, whenever they need it, 24/7.

The retailers using your Access Codes pay nothing to The ROI. Instead of each of them paying the individual Member rate of $395 over 12 months (click here • see more about The ROI's unique resources for retailers), thanks to their relationship with your organization, they can take advantage of unlimited Special Access Privileges at The ROI.

Sponsor Program advantages

You choose how to distribute these Access Codes. For example:

  • As an added benefit for new or renewing Members (or customers!)
  • At a trade show in exchange for contact info
  • Even choose to sell Member-Access to your retailers; make it a profit center!

Total respect for their privacy! And your relationship with them.

Why is there just one User Name and Password for all of your retailers to use? Our respect for your connection with them. And their privacy! 

The ROI does not tabulate, track nor identify any individuals using your organization’s Access Codes. We don't know who they are. And don't care to. These are your retailers! 

Remember, The ROI is a totally self-help, educational resource. The ROI is scrupulous about NOT proffering advice or recommendations. The only thing The ROI "sells" is online access to our proprietary how-to information and resources. 

The ROI's goal: enable retailers, on their own, to "Learn it. Do it. And profit from it!" 

It's easy to find out more


What Sponsors Say

"We are delighted to continue our relationship, which has brought valuable business building content to Pet Store Pro users.  As we near the registration of our 1000th store in the program, the use of The ROI's content will only continue to increase."
--Steve King, President
Pet Industry Distributors Association


"There's not much we can do to help our members' top line.  But by offering them access to all of The ROI, maybe we CAN help them with their bottom line."
--Chuck Schuyler, President
National Shoe Retailers Association


"I want to thank you for all your enthusiasm. It is very apparent that you have the best interests of the small retailer in mind and provide them with valuable information to survive and grow their businesses."
--Paul Cathcart, Vice-President
Small Business Services
Union Bank of California


"We are thrilled to introduce all 5,700 CHA members to the benefits offered by The Retail Owners Institute as an invaluable business resource.  Through this new partnership, CHA will better assist craft retailers by providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and business know-how to thrive in a competitive market."
--Sandra Ghezzi, Vice-President
Marketing, Member Services & Education
Craft and Hobby Association

Since 1999, empowering retailers and store owners to "Turn on your financial headlights!"