The ROI's Promise: Everybody Can "Get It!"


The Retail Owners Institute® is renowned for making the basics of retail financial management readily available to any retail owner, anywhere. Worldwide. 24/7. 

To take advantage of this self-help resource, All it takes is a little desire…and a web browser!


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Whenever You Need Them.

"It's like having my own retail consultant, 24/7."

--Gift Shop Owner 





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Key financial assessment tools.

Quick feedback for busy retailers. 



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Helpful. Practical. And Fun!

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--Home Accessories Store Owner


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Nearly A Hundred Self-Help Tools & Resources

Empowering Retail Financial Projecting Calculators Available Nowhere Else

Turn on your financial headlights!

The Retail STRATA:G®  proprietary online calculators are for projecting, looking ahead. Not accounting, that (sigh) only looks backwards.

These "power tools" have been specially built for retail owners and decision-makers.

  • See in advance "How much profit?" "How much inventory would be needed – and when?" "How much cash?!" would be generated by a prospective sales plan.
  • Don't like that outlook? Play "What if...?" Compare outcomes of your choices, in advance, on your own - automagically! 

Online 24/7. Nothing to download or install. They just work!


Time-Saving Comparison Tools

Get perspective & insights on your stores' performance

  • All on your own 
  • Confidential. "For your eyes only"
  • Online 24/7 


50 Practical and Explanatory Articles On Retail Financial Basics

Make your stores financially stronger

Most extensive self-help resource on retail financial management • Available on-demand, 24/7

How-To Articles by Retail Experts

  • Controlling Inventory, Profits, Cash
  • Using Retail Finance Basics
  • Addressing Strategic Owner Issues
  • Managing Store Issues


23 Recorded Live at TOPICAL TUESDAYS Webinars

Hours of Strategy Seminars: Explanatory and Retailer-Friendly How-To Insights 

See the entire collection here

  • Unlimited FREE Access for Members
  • Most Demanding Growth and Survival Issues for Retailers:
    How to Manage & Control Profits • Debt • Inventory • Cash Flow • Vendor, Landlord & Bank Relationships • GMROI 
  • Available to watch anytime, 24/7
  • Lively, entertaining (!), time saving
  • Hours of Consulting Tips, Strategic How-To Guidance


5 Online Retail Training Courses

Learn - then use - retailing's financial levers

Use The ROI's unique "eLearning Kits." 

Each Kit includes a structured how-to training course plus a specialized projecting calculator. Practical and fast for retailers to use. 

These courses-plus-calculators teach and show the What, Why, and How of retail financial management and inventory control.  

The ROI's Online Courses

  • Projecting Retail PROFITS
  • Projecting INVENTORY Buying (Open-to-Buy) Plans
  • Projecting Retail CASH FLOW
  • 3-in-1 Kit Bundle: P&L + OTB + Cash Flow - Integrated!
  • GMROI Inventory Productivity Kit


9 Retail Financial How-To Videos

Learn It • Do It • Profit From It!


Retailers: Be Empowered! 

Use The ROI. Gain more control of profits, inventory, cash flow. 

Know more. Worry less. 

And put the fun back into retailing!

Trusted Resource

There are many ways to succeed in retailing. But there is only one way that retailers fail: financially.


That is why The Retail Owners Institute® has been built.  

The ROI, as it is known, is now the foremost self-help financial management resource for retailers and store owners. Since 1999, it has helped retailers avert failure.

Each month, thousands of retailers, both online and street front, come to The ROI to take advantage of our practical how-to info and unique, easy-to-use tools. So can you!

Our promise: Everyone can "get it!"

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ROI Members have no limits to using the site. You will be able to access the entire Members-Only Collection as much as you want, as often as you want, 24/7.
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Memberships are either monthly or yearly, so the minimum time is one month. Your Member Access Privileges automatically renew with each payment.
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