From The Co-Founders


Tips, Tactics & Strategic Insights and Commentary
from The ROI Co-Founders, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt
Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists LLC; Retail Turnaround Experts

Turns Out, You Are Not Alone

Retailers are caught by these tough uncontrollables, whether dealing with customers or employees.

A couple weeks ago, we received another very insightful email from a long time professional friend. Because of his unique perspective on retailing, we’re sharing a portion of his note.

First, you must understand that our friend had owned one of the finest specialty stores in the Midwest for years. Then, for the last ten years, he chose to work in sales for a prominent national retailer. He’s probably forgotten more about the nuances of retailing excellence than any of us even know.

We think you’ll agree with our friend. And probably recognize your own experiences.

“Yes, lots of challenges for xxxx and pretty much any retailer these days. They are wrestling with some legacy issues as well as societal issues like Millennials’ and Gen Z's general distrust of institutional authority and unhappiness with the hand they've been dealt.”

"And then there are some self-inflicted wounds that xxxx has made too. It's complicated and I hope they can solve the puzzle soon as the mission and values are still very relevant and worthwhile in my opinion.”

Well, you see. You’re not alone. The values and expectations of shopper and employees today are, perhaps, the most significant and difficult of all the challenges retailers everywhere are facing.

In addition to the psychographics issues (attitudes and values), there of course are the unique demographics currently, and their effect on your market.

  • The huge and aging Baby Boom generation doesn’t need nor buy nearly as much as when they were younger.
  • The generation that followed the Baby Boomers  – Generation X  – has a much smaller population. That fact is unrelenting and softens the market.
  • Then, the Millennials – the off-spring of the Boomers  – are the largest cohort ever, which magnifies their challenging priorities and personalities.

As our friend pointed out so delicately, retailers are caught by these tough uncontrollables, whether dealing with customers or employees.

Do we have a magic solution? Alas, no.

But we can confirm that you’ve got a lot of company.

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