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As we look around, we see a popular cost-saving and productivity-boosting tactic being instituted by many national retailers, shopping malls, and restaurants. They are open fewer hours.
This offers an opportunity for you to revisit your store hours and employee scheduling practices. Maybe it's time to consider some changes, if you haven't already.
Your customers have voted with their feet. Your goal is to see what patterns there are in their shopping visits. (This could be a fine project for a summer employee home from college.)
Start small; focus on , say, the last four weeks of data collected by your POS system. But this time, produce reports by the day of the week. Yep, seven columns of data. Wait till you see what it can reveal!
Here’s where to start:
From these, look at some averages by the day of the week:
Now, as you review this, do any patterns emerge?
Here's our hunch: while you already know the "slowest" days of the week, it’s likely that seeing the numbers will produce some surprises.
If so, why might that be? And what might that suggest? (This is when it really gets fun!)
All of this is invaluable for re-imagining your store hours and scheduling. For instance, here are some ideas:
And of course, monitor the results! The intent is to improve productivity. Does it?!
See what difference these slight changes to your schedule are making in the overall productivity of your stores.
You may be in for some surprises, some pleasant surprises at that. For 2024, productivity is the name of the game.
It's that time of year when all the talk is about all that's new and different for retailers. As the trade show season gets into full swing, there is no shortage of reminders of all the elements you need for your business to "keep up."
We get it. Keeping pace with the relentless changes in retailing is not easy. Retailers know it demands constant adjustments.
But you’re the owner. How well is your business keeping pace with your personal goals and ambitions?
Remember, the point of owning your own business is to make the business work for you! How are you doing so far?
Consider this: Will this Holiday Season happen...
What a 90 days it will be!
Remember July and early August, when there was much optimism?
There's a very important annual job for you, the owner, and all of your senior staff. It's vital, and it involves your presence. The pressures are mounting on your stores, and in particular, your front line staff.
As we introduced previously, the New Normal for retailers is already here. It is a new "retail clock."
Of course, it is not just retailers who have been affected; the shoppers also have been adapting. But whereas retailers think in terms of seasons (weeks and months), the shoppers are adjusting their patterns at the daily and weekly level.
Some retailers in this situation essentially freak out. But the pros, like you, know to keep asking questions. Before they decide what to do next to fix lagging sales, they want to know "Why?"
So, rather than guess the answer, here is a way to get to the numbers behind the numbers; to begin to know the "why" of your sales trends, whether they’re falling or rising.
All it takes is tapping into the data that's already in your POS system, and putting together a little summary tally sheet. The point is to get some key data together in one place so you can easily, quickly, and for free, compare and analyze your results.
Thanksgiving time in the U.S. is not a good time to be a turkey. And, the week after Thanksgiving is obviously not a good time to try to be selling turkeys, or turkey dinners. Especially at full price. The same thing applies to your inventory! Especially with all the challenges and distractions surrounding supply chain issues, there could be lots of "turkeys" languishing in the inventory in your stores. You know; non-selling, distressed, old, unappealing leftovers among your merchandise.
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