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See The Possibilities • Set The Vision
This "Possibilities & Vision" section is one of the more popular sections of The ROI. It is packed with strategic planning info and tools especially useful and practical for retailers:
• Explore "Well, what could we do?"
• Get perspective on "Where are we now?"
• Consider "Where do we want to go?"
• Evaluate "How are we going to get there?"
All online, 24/7. Whenever you're ready to consider your choices.
(These are the tools and resources included in the section on See the Possibilities • Set the Vision. ROI Subscribers who are logged in can go directly to each of these resources. Otherwise, you will be prompted to login or subscribe.)

Focus On Growth Management
What really drives sales? Customers!
But, it takes a lot to find, connect with, and nurture the best ones for your stores.
For that, The ROI's section on growth should be your one-stop resource.
• From identifying your most profitable customers
• to reinvigorating your competitive edge
• or teaching salespeople to, you know, sell
these practical and proven tools and insights can save you lots of time.
(These are the tools and resources included in the section on Focus on Growth Management. ROI Subscribers who are logged in can go directly to each of these resources. Otherwise, you will be prompted to login or subscribe.)

Delegate With Confidence (Trust, But Verify)
Retail Owners: Need more time?
Silly question, right?
Everybody knows the answer, too. The best way to find more time is...to delegate.
But how to do that with confidence?
And without micro-managing?!
This section of The ROI has tips, tactics and insights for you to delegate with confidence. Our goal: enable you to have peace of mind with that new-found time.
(These are the tools and resources included in the section on Delegating with Confidence. ROI Subscribers who are logged in can go directly to each of these resources. Otherwise, you will be prompted to login or subscribe.)

Paying For It All
What does it take to get financing for your business?
Showing that you can pay it back!
This section of The ROI has the tools and resources you need to do just that:
• Financial strength assessment tools.
• Proprietary calculators for retail "What if...?" projections.
• Empowering how-to webinars on bank negotiations, improving financial strength.
• Explanatory how-to articles packed with consulting insights.
• And more!
All focused on empowering you to improve the financial strength of your retail business.
(These are the tools and resources included in the section on Paying For It All. ROI Subscribers who are logged in can go directly to each of these resources. Otherwise, you will be prompted to login or subscribe.)

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