From The Co-Founders


Tips, Tactics & Strategic Insights and Commentary
from The ROI Co-Founders, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt
Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists LLC; Retail Turnaround Experts

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Details That Drive the Perceptions That Matter

Let’s take a break from the drama of the business and economic news, and its uncontrollables. It's time to put the fun back into retailing!

Remembering that "Retail IS detail,focus on attracting and appealing to your very best customers.

And we have the (free!) tools to make all this happen. But be ready: surprises and new insights will emerge. 

  • Then, use The ROI's Store Rater tool (either on paper or online) to rate your store, to give it a grade (just like shoppers do every day!)

  • Then - and this is the key – see what the Tally Sheet shows as the 25 items are regrouped into 5 major categories: 
    - First Impressions
    - The Basics
    - Merchandise
    - Marketing
    - Theater of Retail.  

At a glance, see which categories are particularly strong, and which, if any, need more attention right now.

Plus, it's easy to involve your staff, which can motivate them all the more as they are part of "why?" certain things need to change. 

Nothing like some Springtime fresh perspective, is there?

You – and your shoppers – will be delighted with the results.

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