From The Co-Founders


Tips, Tactics & Strategic Insights and Commentary
from The ROI Co-Founders, Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt
Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists LLC; Retail Turnaround Experts

2025 Grfx/springing up.png
A Welcome Opportunity Waiting For You

Retailers Are The Perfect Folks For This Job

No matter what merchandise you sell - whether it's tires, apparel, books, housewares, office supplies, whatever - every retailer has to give the customer what they want. 

Right now, customers want “Steak, cheap”, not “cheap steak.” 

Customers also are eager to shake off the doom and gloom of the winter. They are more than ready for a fresh new outlook. (Aren’t we all?)

Consider these upcoming calendar events:

  • The spring ahead to Daylight Savings Time is this weekend. 

  • The “official” March 21 start of spring is just two weeks away. 

What a great opportunity for you to welcome a fresh, positive, upbeat Springtime State of Mind! 

Combine that fresh attitude with some well-priced promotions – remember, “steak, cheap” – and you have the makings of a fine start to your spring season.

Here are some ideas to get you started. 

  • Tweak your displays.
    Feature merchandise with lighter/brighter colors. It’s springtime!

  • Change the soundtrack.
    Lighter/brighter works here as well.

  • Wash the windows! 
    Wash away that winter grime. A little sparkle and shine goes a long way.

  • Check the lights. 
    Make sure none of them are out. Get rid of any dark corners. (And by all means, insure that all spotlights actually shine onto merchandise, not that spot on the floor where the display used to be....)

  • Bring spring inside
    Fresh tulips or daffodils at your cash wrap – or better yet, throughout the store – can lighten attitudes and bring a smile for shoppers and staff alike.

It's contagious! It's fun. It's timely. And it’s the perfect opportunity for retailers! 

Bring on that Springtime State of Mind!

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