"Focus my store on GMROI?"
"Nah, I'd rather embrace mediocrity!"

In the opinion of The ROI, GMROI is the #1 measure of inventory productivity.
The ROI's GMROI Guide is a colorful, 8-page booklet that ROI Members can download for free.
A great resource for the retailer who is new to GMROI, this Guide also rewards those who are ready to take GMROI to a whole new level!
Introduces this powerful "earn & turn" concept.
Teaches how managing with GMROI affects both profits and cash.
Features The ROI's online GMROI Calculator. (Once you know how to do the calculation with a pencil, let the computer do it for you!)
Poses "The ROI Challenge": Are you ready to use GMROI by customer category?!