Special Offer - Upgrade to MEMBER ACCESS

Ready to keep going?

Your 10-Day FREE Access to one of The ROI's online training courses + projecting calculators provided a small sample of what's available at The ROI.

Now's no time to stop! MEMBER ACCESS Privileges at The ROI are just $34.95/month. That makes 100% of The ROI available to you, 24/7. (see details here)

To make sure you get off to a good start, your first month is on us! Here's all you need to do.

First, LOGIN with the User Name and Password you used for the short course. That opens up the special upgrade form below.

  • Fill in the payment information 
  • Press the "Start Now!" button
  • Get immediate access to 100% of The ROI
  • Charges to your credit card will not start until one month from now. 

As always, if you have questions or concerns, just let us know.

Since 1999, empowering retailers and store owners to "Turn on your financial headlights!"