Would You Loan $50,000 To This Retailer? Should You??
Many retail owners have faced this situation at one time or another: a fellow retailer (perhaps in your community, or someone you know through a trade association or buying group) asks for your advice. Or - gulp! - asks for a loan!
How would you respond? How should you respond?!
This TOPICAL TUESDAYS Webinar of the Week, led by Pat Johnson and Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders of The Retail Owners Institute®, will show you an approach to take whenever you face those kinds of requests.
- There is a way you can help without ruining the friendship, or your bank account.
First we will review the inter-connections of the Four Financial Wheels under every retail business.
Then, we use the case study of the A. Little Shaky Company, owned by our friend Albert Shaky, who has requested a loan from you.
See how to use the Four Financial Wheels to frame the discussions with Al. Then, see how you can quickly:
- analyze the Shaky Company's performance
- identify its true trouble-spots (and the underlying causes of those troubles)
- determine whether there are opportunities for generating more cash from within the business
Then, help decide: should Al get the $50K? (Hint: It's all about the cause-effect, cause-effect connections.)
This lively and in-depth webinar is essentially a (free!) master class in retail financial turnarounds. See for yourself how empowering it is to understand the cause-effect levers of retailing.