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In the free enterprise system, owners are free to succeed. And free to fail. That's why The Retail Owners Institute has defined the #1 responsibility of the Owner as the survival of the business. But then, the owner must define "Why?" Why are we doing this, anyway? Why are we working so hard for this business to survive and thrive?
As the final third of the year approaches, there's a "new era" afoot. There is optimism in the air. Optimism? Really? Yes! And it could catch a lot of folks by surprise.
You've no doubt seen the headlines and the commentary:
Consumer spending is up, but not on what was expected, especially those publicly-traded chains that must report quarterly.
We think this may be a very different 4th of July Holiday weekend. It will not be just about red, white & blue window displays, or flag waving, or fireworks displays. Instead, there is a new mood, a new attitude that is emerging. First, we believe that all shoppers are reeling from being swamped by some major and concurrent attention-grabbing events and trends affecting all of us. Seemingly with no end in sight.
Just one week until Valentine's Day! Are you feeling the love yet?
What better time to send a love note to your customers? That's right. A Valentine. Just a Valentine. No strings attached! Show your love!
Heads up. You can take a grim situation and turn it into an advantage. Universally, there is a shortage of "good employees." While many will use that as an excuse, it can be a great opportunity for those who seize it. That's why we paid particular attention to this commentary by Ty West in The Playbook*.
And therein lies the opportunity.
Incredible value! 👀
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