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What Is The Retail Owners Institute?


Self-help info & tools  

"What if...?" power for "owner decisions"


The #1 site for

"Turning On Your Financial Headlights!"

Just Five Steps To Gain Financial Strength

Retailers:  "Knowledge Is Power!"

Use The ROI – Get Answers To These Five Questions

Question #1

"How does my retail business compare?"

Go To Step #1

Question #2

"What do I want to work on first?"

Go To Step #2

Question #3

"I'm still not clear about profits, inventory, cash flow, balance sheets..."

Go To Step #3

Question #4

"Okay. But I want to have plans for the future."

Go To Step #4

"I need to make some decisions – fast!
What do I need to consider?"


Question #5

"What else do you have that I or my staff might need?"

Go To Step #5


The ROI's Promise: Everyone Can "Get It!"

The Retail Owners Institute® is renowned for making the basics of retail financial management readily available to any retailer, anywhere. Worldwide. 24/7. 

To take advantage of this self-help resource, All it takes is a little desire…and a web browser!

People don't go into retailing to be financiers. 

  • They love the merchandise they sell, and/or they love the people who buy the merchandise. (Think book stores, sporting goods stores, gift shops, etc.) 

  • Others love the "theater", the excitement of retailing. 

  • Still others want to be their own boss. 

But few are attracted to the financial part. Which is exactly why The Retail Owners Institute website has been built! 

Thanks to The ROI's owner-friendly tools and resources, ROI Members can gain financial insights and perspective for themselves. Get The ROI's newsletter to find out more. 

With Member-Access Privileges, you have unlimited access to 100% of The ROI. Start today to gain financial strength for your retail business!

All of the copyrighted content and resources of The Retail Owners Institute® and its Family of Retail STRATA:G® Resources have been developed by and are the proprietary intellectual property of Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC – OutcaltJohnson.com – and its sole owners, Patricia M. Johnson and Richard F. Outcalt.

It may not be reused, reproduced or rewritten in any form without the express written consent of Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC.

Since 1999, empowering retailers and store owners to "Turn on your financial headlights!"