Question #3

"I'm still not clear about profits, inventory, cash flow, balance sheets..."

Step #3 provides a more in-depth look at the four major components of retail financial management – profits, debt, inventory, cash flow – and how they are integrated.

Knowledge IS power!

Understanding these cause-effect connections makes managing them far more effective. 
And you will be better prepared to take full advantage of the "What if...?" power of The ROI's projecting calculators.


Know It NOW! Bundles

We get it! There is a lot of how-to information at The ROI. But sometimes, you "just need to know it now!"
So we've put together three Know It NOW! Bundles for those situations. Perfect for busy retailers!
  • BUDGETING Bundle - focused on Profits

  • BUYING Bundle - focused on Inventory

  • BORROWING Bundle - focused on Cash Flow

What's Included?
Go to each tab for specifics. Each Bundle has a curated selection from The ROI's extensive professional library. Save time, big time!

Watch • Listen • Learn • Practice • Do-It-Yourself • Know It NOW!


Find and focus on your best, most profitable customers! 

Then use the online PROFITS Forecaster

Easy and fast to prepare your own budgets and profit plans.


Where to start?

Steps 1 through 3 should take about 90 minutes or so for you to Know It NOW! 

The Remarkable Retail STRATA:G® Wheel is a more advanced concept for you to explore when you're ready. 

Here's what's included in the BUDGETING Know It NOW! Bundle.



Watch the Webinar: 
How to Project Your P&L
 56 minutes


Take the Course: 
Projecting & Controlling PROFITS   
 35 minutes


Read the Article: 
Sales Forecasting: Part Art, Part Science
 5 minutes


Watch the Webinar:
The Remarkable Retail STRATA:G® Wheel
 54 minutes


Use the PROFITS Forecaster 
Online Projecting Calculator
for your own plans 

ROI Members get unlimited access - free!  Go to Know It NOW! Bundles

Not a Member? Go here to SUBSCRIBE now! Get immediate access.

Watch • Listen • Practice • Do-It-Yourself • Know It NOW!

Know how much inventory - maximum - to bring in, and when, to reach your targets for sales, margins and turns. 

Buy with more confidence. 

Control your inventory like the pros do!


Where to start?

Steps 1 through 5 should take about 90 minutes or so for you to Know It NOW!

Here's what's included in the BUYER'S Know It NOW! Bundle. 



Read the Article: 
Merchandise Planning Like the Pros Do 

5 minutes 


Watch the Webinar: 
How to Use Turnover to Drive Inventory Control

 48 minutes


Take the Course: 
Projecting Inventory Buying (Open-to-Buy) Plans       

 35 minutes


Read the Article: 
The "Diamond of Doom" of Excess Inventory 

 5 minutes


Read the Article: 
How to Shape Up Your Inventory - FAST! 

 5 minutes


Use the BUYING PLAN Forecaster 
Online Calculator for your own plans 



ROI Members get unlimited access - free!  Go to Know It NOW! Bundles

Not a Member? Go here to SUBSCRIBE now! Get immediate access.

Watch • Listen • Practice • Do-It-Yourself • Know It NOW!


Find out whether you need to borrow.  If so, how much and when? 

Those answers are found in your cash flow plan. 

Once you have that - and can show when you can repay a loan - you have a plan you can "take to the bank!"


Where to start?

Steps 1 through 5 should take less than two hours for you to Know It NOW! 

Here's what's included in the BORROWING Know It NOW! Bundle.



Read the Article: 
Triple Vision: Managing Cash, Inventory & Profits
6 minutes 


Watch the Webinar: 
What Two Key Ratios Tell Outsiders About Your Business
 48 minutes


Take the Course: 
Projecting & Controlling Retail Cash Flow  
 35 minutes


Read the Article: 
Banks Rent Money, Don't They?
 6 minutes


Watch the Webinar: 
How to Have Cash...When You Need It!
 45 minutes


Use the INTEGRATED 3-in-1 Calculator
Online Calculator
for your own plans 


ROI Members get unlimited access - free!  Go to Know It NOW! Bundles

Not a Member? Go here to SUBSCRIBE now! Get immediate access.

Watch • Listen • Practice • Do-It-Yourself • Know It NOW!

Control The Controllables

Ahh yes. Manage and control those "controllables" in your business. 

For that, you need to know the cause-effect connections among "the basics."

• Things like the link between the P&L and the Balance Sheet. 

• How changes in inventory turns can affect cash flow.

• Why profitable businesses can still be out of cash.

When retailers know and understand the cause-effect financial levers of their business, choices become much more clear. There is a lot you CAN control! 

It's why folks have praised The ROI for "connecting the dots." 

(These are the tools and resources included in the Step #3 section on Controlling the Controllables. ROI Subscribers who are logged in can go directly to each of these resources. Otherwise, you will be prompted to login or subscribe.)

Controlling the Controllables


Weather A Crisis

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. 

Crisis looming? Use the lead time! 

Once again, The ROI can give you a head start. 

• There's a quick assessment tool – Retailing's Three Stages of Decline – to pinpoint areas of focus.
• A pro-active Six Step Survival Plan.
• Even a guide to Stress Management for Retailers. 

Start now to put time on your side!

(These are the tools and resources included in the Step #3 section on Weathering A Crisis. ROI Subscribers who are logged in can go directly to each of these resources. Otherwise, you will be prompted to login or subscribe.)


Since 1999, empowering retailers and store owners to "Turn on your financial headlights!"